Sunday, May 2, 2010

Thumb Status

Still broken. Still waiting for the surgery date to be scheduled. I called & talked to the surgeon's office last Thursday who said they were just barely getting the claim info (10 days after the accident), even though they had been calling every day. Seems there was a delay with the city filing the original claim. So, here we are, nearly 2 weeks post-accident. Needless to say, no one in this household is very happy about this. When talking to the surgeon's office the scheduler sounded just as irritated as we are. She said that now that the paperwork has (FINALLY) been filed as soon as they receive the approval Tyler is top priority. The pain has been continually declining, meaning it is most likely in the healing process. Which could mean they might have to re-break the bone in order to set it properly before they put the pins (or plate) in. Crappy.

1 comment:

thepalsrus said...

You must be on the Obama heath care plan. You gotta love socialized medicare.