Sunday, October 11, 2009

Visit from the Powells

My (Amber's) parents were in town for a couple of days. While here we went to the Swetsville zoo. It is a local farmer's welding hobby. He has created various animals, monsters, musical instruments, etc. out of old junk, or "supplies" as he so fondly referred to them. My dad loved it! Elsie having a good time in the stroller. We had some time to kill while my dad talked shop with Mr. Swets himself. These are a couple of his creations. The creativity throughout was pretty impressive. Our new van!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shoot--I should be the mayor of Swetsville. Just check out my pits.

And, if I was, everyone would be forced at gunpoint to wear sweats. All the time.

Did I mention it's getting late?

Who knew you guys posted so much?

--El Jefe